Atomy Herbal Shampoo
Welcome to my website Atomy India education Herbal Herbal Shampoo Hair cleanliness / Waste removal / Hair texture adjustment / Maintenance of hair health Atomy Herbal Shampoo manages various contaminants blocking the scalp and hair pores that induces hair troubles and provides care for damaged hair texture in order to maintain healthy and elastic hair. In addition, it keeps hair clean with avocado and aloe vera derived plant-based ingredients and removes wastes and contaminants to reduce scalp trouble and itching. Scalp cleanness: Removes wastes and contaminants with herbal ingredients such as Asparagus cochinchinensis, Eclipta prostrate, and Chrysanthemum zawadskii var. latilobum Trouble care: Cares scalp troubles with Angelica dahurica Bentham et Hooker and tricholoacid contents Hair texture adjustment: Protects damaged hair texture with various effective ingredients such as Pleuropterus multflorus, Dictamnus dasycarpus Turcz bark, and Swertia pseu...